
Colloquy is an opportunity to explore and reflect on a particular aspect of life in a structured and facilitated small-group setting in a nonjudgmental, confidential atmosphere. Colloquy was created more than 25 years ago by Arthur Dobrin (now Leader Emeritus of the Ethical Society of Long Island) and brought to Asheville by Joy McConnell, Consulting Leader for the Ethical Humanist Society of Asheville. Colloquy inspires participants to raise awareness of their own views, emotions and values. Guided by a facilitator, participants listen to a topic read by the leader, and take turns sharing responses – speaking from personal experiences, thoughts and feelings.

“Individual Rights” by Ben Gilbert


What individual rights do we enjoy? What does the Constitution guarantee? Where do our rights originate? How are they protected? Ben Gilbert will provide insights into how the Supreme Court has interpreted individual rights and what rights and freedoms are protected in the Constitution.

EHSA Picnic

Friends Meeting House 227 Edgewood Rd, Asheville, NC

Please join us on the front lawn of Friends Meeting House for a picnic. (Rain date is a few weeks later on Saturday, August 20, 12:30). Bring a lawn chair, your lunch, drink... whatever you may need.



Colloquy is an opportunity to explore and reflect on a particular aspect of life in a structured and facilitated small-group setting in a nonjudgmental, confidential atmosphere. Colloquy was created more than 25 years ago by Arthur Dobrin (now Leader Emeritus of the Ethical Society of Long Island) and brought to Asheville by Joy McConnell, Consulting Leader for the Ethical Humanist Society of Asheville. Colloquy inspires participants to raise awareness of their own views, emotions and values. Guided by a facilitator, participants listen to a topic read by the leader, and take turns sharing responses – speaking from personal experiences, thoughts and feelings.

Explore Ethical Living


A members only series to explore such topics as ethical decision-making and goodness, and build our habits and skills in ethical living.

“Death Penalty – Racist Roots” by Noel Nickle


Join the NC Coalition for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (NCCADP) for a presentation and screening of the film Racist Roots. This 25-minute film, created by the Center for Death Penalty Litigation, exposes the death penalty’s deep entanglement with slavery, lynching and racism.



Colloquy is an opportunity to explore and reflect on a particular aspect of life in a structured and facilitated small-group setting in a nonjudgmental, confidential atmosphere. Colloquy was created more than 25 years ago by Arthur Dobrin (now Leader Emeritus of the Ethical Society of Long Island) and brought to Asheville by Joy McConnell, Consulting Leader for the Ethical Humanist Society of Asheville. Colloquy inspires participants to raise awareness of their own views, emotions and values. Guided by a facilitator, participants listen to a topic read by the leader, and take turns sharing responses – speaking from personal experiences, thoughts and feelings.

“How Future Generations Will Remember Us” by William MacAskill


We will listen to a TED talk by Professor William MacAskill on “What are the most important moral problems of our time” and view segments from interviews with Professor MacAskill. An article from the August 16, 2022 Atlantic "How Future Generations Will Remember Us", by William MacAskill prompted the discussion topic.