Membership Information


General Information

By becoming a member, you help us reach our goal: to inspire ethical living and to create a more just, loving and sustainable world for all.

Membership helps pay for the direct costs of our society as well as support several local non-profits aligned with our goal. Members also vote on key Ethical Humanist Society of Asheville policies and elect our Board of Directors.

As a member, we ask for a minimum (tax-deductible) gift/donation of $50 per person per year.  Many members give more. We do not turn away prospective members for financial reasons; please contact our president should this pertain to you.

Membership Application and Dues/Pledge Payment

For membership, please complete the online application by clicking the Membership Form button on the left. After completing the form, use the Donation button on the right.

A member of our Board will contact you to arrange a convenient time to meet with you and answer any further questions.

We are delighted you are interested in joining the Ethical Humanist Society of Asheville.

Board of Trustees

If you prefer to mail a check

Make checks payable to: Ethical Humanist Society of Asheville

Mail to: Ethical Humanist Society of Asheville; ℅ Treasurer, Rich Wasch; 7 Patton Avenue STE 1601, Asheville, NC 28801-3372