Winter Festival

Cloisters Clubhouse 2700 St. Augustine PL., Asheville, NC

Holiday Gathering! Bring a beverage and a light bite to share!

Location is Cloisters Clubhouse 2700 St. Augustine Pl., Asheville (Not Friends Meeting House)

Human-I-Tree – AEU All-Societies Platform


Human-I-Tree is an original vision grown through community engagement at the New York Society for Ethical Culture by Audrey Kindred‘s collaboration with artists, activists, and children of all ages. It honors how every breath we take as humans is integral to the life of trees.

Audrey brings Felix Adler into dialogue with ecological hero and 2004 Nobel Prize for Peace recipient Wangari Matthai by proposing that “bringing out the best in one another and thereby ourselves” is not truly peace unless we honor our interconnectedness by respecting the earth together. Human-I-Tree branches into a whole family of tree concepts that can inspire our human community building processes.



Colloquy is an opportunity to explore and reflect on a particular aspect of life in a structured and facilitated small-group setting in a nonjudgmental, confidential atmosphere. Colloquy was created more than 25 years ago by Arthur Dobrin (now Leader Emeritus of the Ethical Society of Long Island) and brought to Asheville by Joy McConnell, Consulting Leader for the Ethical Humanist Society of Asheville. Colloquy inspires participants to raise awareness of their own views, emotions and values. Guided by a facilitator, participants listen to a topic read by the leader, and take turns sharing responses – speaking from personal experiences, thoughts and feelings.



Colloquy is an opportunity to explore and reflect on a particular aspect of life in a structured and facilitated small-group setting in a nonjudgmental, confidential atmosphere. Colloquy was created more than 25 years ago by Arthur Dobrin (now Leader Emeritus of the Ethical Society of Long Island) and brought to Asheville by Joy McConnell, Consulting Leader for the Ethical Humanist Society of Asheville. Colloquy inspires participants to raise awareness of their own views, emotions and values. Guided by a facilitator, participants listen to a topic read by the leader, and take turns sharing responses – speaking from personal experiences, thoughts and feelings.

“Peer Support” by Jodi Ford

Friends Meeting House 227 Edgewood Rd, Asheville, NC

Join Jodi Ford to learn how certified peer support specialists, who have overcome their substance use and mental wellness challenges, use their lived experience with mental health and substance use disorders, houselessness or incarceration to help others with their life journey.



Colloquy is an opportunity to explore and reflect on a particular aspect of life in a structured and facilitated small-group setting in a nonjudgmental, confidential atmosphere. Colloquy was created more than 25 years ago by Arthur Dobrin (now Leader Emeritus of the Ethical Society of Long Island) and brought to Asheville by Joy McConnell, Consulting Leader for the Ethical Humanist Society of Asheville. Colloquy inspires participants to raise awareness of their own views, emotions and values. Guided by a facilitator, participants listen to a topic read by the leader, and take turns sharing responses – speaking from personal experiences, thoughts and feelings.

“Instructions for Living a Life” by Kathy Meacham and Ira Sloan

Friends Meeting House 227 Edgewood Rd, Asheville, NC

“Pay attention. Be Astonished. Tell about it.” This stanza from Mary Oliver’s poem “Sometimes” is at the core of being aware, living in the “now” and thinking ethically. Kathy and Ira teach medical students about ethical thinking and moral imagination versus risk aversion.

Opening the Door for Democracy with YVote (Why Vote)


ALL Society Presentation NOTE: 11:00-12:00 ET

“YVote is creating a youth-led civic movement. We equip young people to channel their passions into positive action—at and beyond the ballot box.”

Sanda Balaban, co-founder of YVote, and Audrey Kindred, of the NYSEC will present on how they collaborate to bring Voter and civic engagement activities to hundreds of youth in ongoing democracy reinforcing programs. They will show how other Ethical Societies can do similar civics / voter actions.

The program will include youth who will tell of their concerns and how YVote has prepared them for action and leadership.



Colloquy is an opportunity to explore and reflect on a particular aspect of life in a structured and facilitated small-group setting in a nonjudgmental, confidential atmosphere. Colloquy was created more than 25 years ago by Arthur Dobrin (now Leader Emeritus of the Ethical Society of Long Island) and brought to Asheville by Joy McConnell, Consulting Leader for the Ethical Humanist Society of Asheville. Colloquy inspires participants to raise awareness of their own views, emotions and values. Guided by a facilitator, participants listen to a topic read by the leader, and take turns sharing responses – speaking from personal experiences, thoughts and feelings.



Colloquy is an opportunity to explore and reflect on a particular aspect of life in a structured and facilitated small-group setting in a nonjudgmental, confidential atmosphere. Colloquy was created more than 25 years ago by Arthur Dobrin (now Leader Emeritus of the Ethical Society of Long Island) and brought to Asheville by Joy McConnell, Consulting Leader for the Ethical Humanist Society of Asheville. Colloquy inspires participants to raise awareness of their own views, emotions and values. Guided by a facilitator, participants listen to a topic read by the leader, and take turns sharing responses – speaking from personal experiences, thoughts and feelings.