“Individual Rights” by Ben Gilbert


What individual rights do we enjoy? What does the Constitution guarantee? Where do our rights originate? How are they protected? Ben Gilbert will provide insights into how the Supreme Court has interpreted individual rights and what rights and freedoms are protected in the Constitution.

“Death Penalty – Racist Roots” by Noel Nickle


Join the NC Coalition for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (NCCADP) for a presentation and screening of the film Racist Roots. This 25-minute film, created by the Center for Death Penalty Litigation, exposes the death penalty’s deep entanglement with slavery, lynching and racism.

“How Future Generations Will Remember Us” by William MacAskill


We will listen to a TED talk by Professor William MacAskill on “What are the most important moral problems of our time” and view segments from interviews with Professor MacAskill. An article from the August 16, 2022 Atlantic "How Future Generations Will Remember Us", by William MacAskill prompted the discussion topic.

OpenDoors Asheville


OpenDoors Asheville aims to strengthen community by eliminating the race-based opportunity and achievement gaps for students through education.

Jen and Jasmine will talk about investments in communities, parents and students.