“Meet the Watchdogs” by Peter Lewis and Sally Kestin


Asheville Watchdog – a free, local, not-for-profit, nonpartisan news organization founded in 2020 staffed mostly by veteran professional and highly recognized journalist volunteers upholding a commitment to truth, verifiable facts, transparency, science, and important context.

“Confronting the Fascist Within” by Blu Buchanan

Friends Meeting House 227 Edgewood Rd, Asheville, NC

Identify right-wing, white supremacist thinking in ourselves and others. Blu will challenge our assumptions and beliefs about others and their capabilities and help us reimagine internal beliefs that may undermine productive relationships and actions.

“Reparations” by Dr. Dwight Mullen

Friends Meeting House 227 Edgewood Rd, Asheville, NC

The Community Reparations Commission, with about 25 all-black members, is not only focused on historical injustice but also present-day disparities and policies that still pose a problem. Join us for the conversation.

“YMI Cultural Center” by Anthony Thomas

Friends Meeting House 227 Edgewood Rd, Asheville, NC

The YMI Cultural Center and The 128 Years and Counting campaign seeks to elevate black excellence through community engagement, advocacy, leadership development and economic justice. Join us for the conversation.

“Journalism Ethics and the Law” by Elizabeth Colton

Friends Meeting House 227 Edgewood Rd, Asheville, NC

Join Diplomat & Journalist in Residence, Warren Wilson College, Elizabeth Colton, for a discussion on Journalism ethics and the law, freedom of the press & expression, human rights, the work of Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF) worldwide and the case of The Blade reporters covering the homeless removal in Asheville.

“All-Societies Platform: The Encampment for Citizenship”


Join All-Societies Platform: The Encampment for Citizenship.

Hear from past Encampment for Citizenship participants as well as recent Encampers about youth activism and intergenerational social justice. EHSAsheville is joining the American Ethical Union presentation by Zoom at 11:00 AM (instead of our regular meeting at 2:30 PM).

“Ethical Culture’s Unique Role in the World” by Don Montagna


Don Montagna, retired Ethical Culture Leader of the Washington Ethical Society, will reflect on Ethical Culture’s unique role in the world. Why are religions declining? What are the needs of people in a secular world? Are there principles for a good life? Don will be live, but on the big screen by Zoom.

“Joy is an Act of Resistance” by Greg Bonin


Greg Bonin, Ethical Culture Leader and Candidate for ministerial fellowship with the Unitarian Universalist Association, will reflect on the work of human relationships, and what role joy has in resistance, survival, and thriving. Greg will explore the concept of Durable Joy. “Joy is an act of resistance” is a title published by poet Toi Derricotte. Greg will be live, but a Zoom only presentation.

“The Crumbling Wall of Separation Between Church and State” by Daan Bravemen

Friends Meeting House 227 Edgewood Rd, Asheville, NC

* Hybrid Meeting: In person at Friends Meeting House and online by Zoom * -

Thomas Jefferson referred to the First Amendment as creating a “wall of separation” between church and state, and the Supreme Court stated in 1947 that “the wall must be kept high and impregnable. We could not approve the slightest breach.” In fact, the wall always had some cracks. In recent years, however, it appears to be crumbling as increased emphasis is being given to governmental accommodation of religious beliefs. When does such accommodation weaken the wall separating church and state? More generally, what is the appropriate role of religion in the public arena?

“Ethical Culture at the Parliament of the World’s Religions – Again!” by Anne Klaeysen


Anne Klaeysen, Leader Emerita of the New York Society for Ethical Culture, will reflect on the recent Parliament of the World's Religions. Anne will be live, but on the big screen by Zoom.

We Humanists tend to avoid proselytizing, perhaps because so many of us grew up in religions that engaged in that behavior, but we take our mortal lives and what we do with them very seriously. We recognize that we are a part of, not apart from, the natural world in which our species evolved, and we are responsible for the impact we have upon it.