

Colloquy is an opportunity to explore and reflect on a particular aspect of life in a structured and facilitated small-group setting in a nonjudgmental, confidential atmosphere. Colloquy was created more than 25 years ago by Arthur Dobrin (now Leader Emeritus of the Ethical Society of Long Island) and brought to Asheville by Joy McConnell, Consulting Leader for the Ethical Humanist Society of Asheville. Colloquy inspires participants to raise awareness of their own views, emotions and values. Guided by a facilitator, participants listen to a topic read by the leader, and take turns sharing responses – speaking from personal experiences, thoughts and feelings.

“Leadership and Public Education” by Mo Green

Friends Meeting House 227 Edgewood Rd, Asheville, NC

Mo Green will discusses Leadership and Public Education. Not only will Mo’s style entertain, but his passion for championing public education and his determination to make a difference is impressive. Under his leadership, the Guilford County Schools saw substantial improvements in student performance and overall educational standards. Mo recognizes where we need to improve North Carolina’s public schools, and is committed to doing so as State Superintendent.

2:00 PM Aspirations for Ethical Culture


2024 Assembly Platform Sunday, July 28 2:00 PM ET Ethical Culture Leader Louise Jett will talk about her aspirations for Ethical Culture and the importance of clergy within our movement and Societies. Immediately following the presentation, Joy McConnell will lead a discussion for EHSAsheville members and guests on



Colloquy is an opportunity to explore and reflect on a particular aspect of life in a structured and facilitated small-group setting in a nonjudgmental, confidential atmosphere. Colloquy was created more than 25 years ago by Arthur Dobrin (now Leader Emeritus of the Ethical Society of Long Island) and brought to Asheville by Joy McConnell, Consulting Leader for the Ethical Humanist Society of Asheville. Colloquy inspires participants to raise awareness of their own views, emotions and values. Guided by a facilitator, participants listen to a topic read by the leader, and take turns sharing responses – speaking from personal experiences, thoughts and feelings.

“The Foundations of Applied Ethics: Felix Adler and Henry Sidgwick” by Terry Smith

Friends Meeting House 227 Edgewood Rd, Asheville, NC

Terry L. Smith will conduct a discussion on contemporary applied ethics and the foundational assumptions, ideas and ideals of Ethical Culture. Ethical culture focused on applied ethics rather than philosophical ethics, promoting the knowledge and practice of social and personal ethics to help people find meaning by living lives of moral worth.



Colloquy is an opportunity to explore and reflect on a particular aspect of life in a structured and facilitated small-group setting in a nonjudgmental, confidential atmosphere. Colloquy was created more than 25 years ago by Arthur Dobrin (now Leader Emeritus of the Ethical Society of Long Island) and brought to Asheville by Joy McConnell, Consulting Leader for the Ethical Humanist Society of Asheville. Colloquy inspires participants to raise awareness of their own views, emotions and values. Guided by a facilitator, participants listen to a topic read by the leader, and take turns sharing responses – speaking from personal experiences, thoughts and feelings.

“Leverage Your Voting Knowledge” by Ron Katz By ZOOM ONLY


Ron Katz Ron will focus on three questions. 1) How do I navigate voting? 2) How do I find the positions of the candidates on the issues I care about? 3) How can I do more? Ron's talk and discussion is at the Intersection of Social Justice and Voting.



Colloquy is an opportunity to explore and reflect on a particular aspect of life in a structured and facilitated small-group setting in a nonjudgmental, confidential atmosphere. Colloquy was created more than 25 years ago by Arthur Dobrin (now Leader Emeritus of the Ethical Society of Long Island) and brought to Asheville by Joy McConnell, Consulting Leader for the Ethical Humanist Society of Asheville. Colloquy inspires participants to raise awareness of their own views, emotions and values. Guided by a facilitator, participants listen to a topic read by the leader, and take turns sharing responses – speaking from personal experiences, thoughts and feelings.

“Practices for a Flourishing Life” by Guy Sayles

Friends Meeting House 227 Edgewood Rd, Asheville, NC

Flourishing, in this context, includes moving toward wholeness, exercising compassion, and experiencing joy. Guy Sayles will draw on a variety of wisdom traditions and psychological perspectives to explore practices which help us flourish and contribute to the flourishing of others and of creation.

“Why Heroes Don’t Change the World” (video TEDx Talk followed by Zoom discussion) with David LaMotte

Friends Meeting House 227 Edgewood Rd, Asheville, NC

We will view the March 2024, David LaMotte 18 1/2 minute talk - "Why Heroes Don't Change the World” - given at TEDx Asheville followed by Zoom discussion with David LaMotte.

David’s talk focuses on the downside of hero narratives, and how stories that we tell to inspire people can often have the opposite effect. It’s a hopeful message, reminding us that we don’t have to be extraordinary to make change, we just have to work together.

“Gathering Light in Our Times” by Hugh Taft-Morales


Ethical Culturists from around the country will gather to acknowledge the dark and bring out the light. Let's bring out the best of others and thus ourselves through this heart-centered winter solstice program of many voices.